Monday, January 25, 2010

At The Gym Again

So, I'm at the gym today and I see Patrick again. I knew that I had to tell him what I heard for him; and I was nervous about doing that. What if he thought that I was some religious freak? What if he thought I was weird? What if he thought I was coming on to him? You never know.
I walked up to him and he greeted me with a firm handshake. I immediately told him what I had to say.

Me: "Hey Patrick, how's it going?"

Patrick: "Good!"

Me: "I was thinking about what you told me last week and I felt compelled to give you some words that I received. I was looking all over for you, but you had already left."

Patrick: "Oh yeah, what's that?"

Me: "Well . . . I remembered what you said about wanting to be successful, and I just felt like I should tell you this. Measure success in not what you do, but how you do it."

Patrick: "WOW Nick! It's funny. I was having the same conversation with somebody else that day, and he replied with those same words."

Me: "That's pretty cool man. I also wanted to say, from my own experience, to just do something that you love doing and you will be successful."

Patrick: (Here's where he shocked me) "I'll have to pray about that one."

Me: "Did you say pray? Are You Christian?"

Patrick: "Yeah,...I'm Catholic/Christian...but I go to the Vineyard."

Me: "The Vineyard? Which one?"

Patrick: "The one up in Springdale."

Me: "Huh. Did you know that there is a Vineyard here on the west side?"

He told me that he had heard that there is one over here, but did not know where it was. I told him the location and he said that he lived right around the corner from it. He seemed pretty surprised when I told him about it. He told me that he hadn't been up to the one in Springdale for a couple of months because of selfish reasons. I told him that was o.k., and then I invited him to come check us out.
I'm not one to claim the gift of prophecy, but I totally loved that God gave those words to me to relay to Patrick. Maybe it was God saying "I miss you Patrick". Maybe He just thought that we should officially meet each other. I don't know. That was the first time that something like that ever happened to me. I take that back; that was the first time that I actually responded and acted on what God asked me to do in one of those situations.
Now I'm hoping that He will give me more words to pass on to someone. Now, I'm hoping that I see my brother Patrick at church some day soon. What a small Kingdom it is.


melanie said...

'What if he thought I was coming on to him?' Sorry, that made me laugh, and I know you were being very serious.
You were afraid that you would procrastinate giving him this message - I see that you did not procrastinate at ALL! Good job.

Kelly said...
