Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tuning In

While reading my book "Primal", by Mark Batterson, I came across a paragraph where Mark explained why it is so important to read the Word every day. He quotes:

"Until you hear the voice of God, you won't be able to sing His song. Why? Because you're out of tune. That's how we get stuck in sinful habits and negative cycles and destructive patterns. But when you open the Bible and really hear the voice of God - His loving voice, His graceful voice, His powerful voice, His convicting voice, His affirming voice, His authoritative voice - your life begins to echo God's. Your life becomes a joyful noise. Your life begins to harmonize with the Holy Spirit."

I read about an opera singer who could not hit notes in a certain octave even though they were within his vocal range. His coaches could not figure why he couldn't hit these notes. After some testing, the coaches discovered that it wasn't his singing capabilities that were at fault; it was his hearing. The opera singer could not hear the notes, therefor he could not sing them. The problem wasn't singing. The problem was hearing.
This is the same with how I hear, or don't hear God. If I am not making an effort to get into the Word everyday, then I find myself in a place where I am not hearing His voice. I am out of tune. I have had a lot of those dry spells since I became a follower.
I want to be in harmony with Him. I want to be able to sing His song. So, even though it is already the tenth of January, I am making a resolution to read the Bible every day. The entire Bible in one year. I have never read the Bible from cover to cover. I get bored with all of the numbers and listing of names. But I have always heard Him speak to me in my random readings. I have always learned something about myself after being in the Word.
I will close with an old saying; "It's not how you read the Bible, it's how the Bible reads you".

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