Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Not What HE Intended

The sun came up this morning, as it always has done for thousands of years. I watched the birds as they woke up and start flying from tree to tree, looking for food or just playing. A couple of squirrels were sitting on a branch eating nuts that they gathered over night. And then I began to think, how nothing has really changed for all of God's creation over the decades. Sure, different species of animals and wildlife have come and gone, but their patterns have pretty much always been the same. They live off of the land that they are given and they accept the life that they have. There really is no evolvement. The wild is the wild and it has been that way since creation.
Then there is us. Humans. Houses can't be big enough. Streets to take us everywhere. Cities growing with skyscrapers that reach into the heavens. Automobiles with more luxury than some homes. Cell phones, ipods, computers. All of the latest technology. Every creature comfort man can possibly think of. And it never ends. It seems like it never will.
What if this isn't what God intended for us? All of the wildlife seem to get the concept and they have gotten along just fine for the past three thousand years. What if we're doing it all wrong? This is just what I was thinking this morning during my quiet time with God. I know it's deep, but it's something to think about. Maybe we could all benefit from a little bit of a slow down. If you don't know how to do it, I would suggest a trip to the mountains of Honduras.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I have often thought his. Maybe not to the extent that you did. But it's always there when I think about what this world had become.