Friday, July 24, 2009

Things I Can Do

My friend Ryan Detzel posted an interesting and fun blog the other day about manly things that he can do. At the end of the blog, he asked for his followers to post things that they can do. My initial thoughts were that I don't have a lot to offer. I decided to put some additional thought into it, and this is what I came up with. I do think that there are two separate groups to list them in. The first list of things that I can do will be things that I think are what defines a man, and the second list will be what society defines as being manly.

Manly things I can do - by me.

* First and foremost, I can worship a God who loves me without fear of judgement.

* I can be a disciple for Jesus Christ.

* I can love and honor my wife wholeheartedly.

* I can be a father to our children.

* I can give up my role as the bread winner to raise our children.

* I can say "I'm sorry" when I know that I have wronged, and mean it.

* I can serve selflessly.

* I can go on a mission trip when called to do so by God.

* I can pray to God and hear Him speak to me.

Some manly things I can do - by society.

* I can build a house with my two hands.

* I can take apart an engine and rebuild it.

* I can fart, burp, and scratch my butt with the best of them.

* I can fire small arms with deadly accuracy.

* I can lift and press a lot of weight.

* I can repel off of a 100 foot rock

* I can live off the land for long periods of time.

* I can complete a canoeing, running, and bicycling triathlon.

* I can fight.

* I can drive/operate heavy equipment (dump truck, mixer, tractor trailer, etc...)

* I can throw, catch, and run with a football.

* I have a high tolerance for pain.

* I can handle driving powerful cars.

These are just a few of the things that I realized that I am capable of. It's not enough just to recognize them though. For the next couple of days I am going to try to focus on what things I am putting all of my time and energy in to. This list provided me with a great tool for some self evaluation. I am thankful for my friend Ryan Detzel for providing me with the ideal of this list. You can read Ryan's blog at He has some amazing stuff there.

1 comment:

cinciann said...

I can think of some other manly things you can do, but I won't post them on your blog... ;-)