Thursday, June 3, 2010

Can't Means Won't

I was listening to the radio this morning and one of the radio personalities shared a story that happened to her this week while she was at the gym. Her trainer had asked her to try a new exercise that she was not familiar with. She told her trainer that she can't do that. Her trainer simply looked at her and said, "Can't means won't".
How many of us use that excuse? "I can't spend time with my kids today because I have to work". "I can't do that outreach at church today because I just don't have enough time". "I can't help you move". "I can't solve that problem". And so on and on we continue to say we can't, when in all reality, we probably could have. We probably did have enough time, we just chose not to do something because we didn't feel like doing it.
This is not a blanket statement. I'm not saying that there are things that we simply cannot do. I'm just saying that sometimes we choose not to do some things because there may be risk or effort involved. I am constantly inviting my kids to try new things and I get the "I can't do that" excuse a lot. Sooner or later, they try and they succeed, and they realize how much fun or rewarding new things can be.
Just something to think about when someone asks us to do something. Maybe "I will try" should be our response when asked to do something that we haven't done before. At least when we try, we will know if we can or cannot do. "
"I will try to be more positive". "I will try to lend someone a hand today". "I will try to make new friends". I will try versus won't. What if God asks us to do something that is risky (and He will because He always does), and we say "I can't do that". I personally believe that He wouldn't ask us to do it if He didn't believe that we could. After all, He is God, and He knows what we can or cannot do anyway. We are telling Him that "we won't do it" and we are missing out on something big. What father isn't disappointed when his children won't try to do something when he believes that they can do it? I think this is how God feels when His children say "I can't" or "I won't".

What are the things that you can't do? Or should I say that you won't do or at least try to do?


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