Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I posted a blog yesterday about a dream and vision of mine. I received this devotion this morning from my good friend and counselor, Jody Burgin, and just wanted to share it's message with you.

Tim Fatjo is into garbage. Oh, he hasn't always been. He used to be a quiet, efficient accounting executive playing it straight, dodging all risks, and settling down into a life of the predictable. But one day his mental wheels began to turn in response to a growing problem in his community.

The city had refused to pick up their garbage at the back door of their homes. A private company was having serious problems. So the garbage was starting to stack up. As harsh words were exchanged at the Willowbrook Civic Club in Houston, Tom had a crazy idea that kept rolling around in his head. That dream spawned a series of incredible thoughts that resulted in the purchase of a garbage truck.

The next ten years became an adventure for Tom you'd have trouble believing. That dream turned into the largest solid-waste disposal company in the world, Browing-Ferris Industries, Inc. The company has annual sales in excess of $500 million. Tom has also been instrumental in building over ten other large companies. And to think, it all started with an unthinkable, scary, absolutely crazy idea that refused to let him sleep.

That's the way it is with dreams. Especially when God is in them. They appear crazy. Placed alongside the logic, cost, and timing, dreams often don't make sense. They won't fly when you test them against the gravity of reality. And the strangest part of all: the more they are told "can't," the more they pulsate "can" and "will" and "must."

What's behind great accomplishments? Inevitably, great people. But what is in those "great people" that makes them different? It's certainly not their age or sex or color or heritage or environment. They are people who think differently. People whose ideas are woven into a meaningful pattern on the loom of dreams, threaded with colorful stands of imagination, creativity, even a touch of fantasy. They are among that band of young men the Scripture mentions "who will dream dreams and see visions."
Stay alert today to dreams God may plant into your thinking. As you trust God and lean on his understanding, be ready for anything.

Lately, the timing of his devotions have been indescribable. It's almost as if Jody (or Someone more Divine) knows exactly what I'm thinking about, and is responding to my thoughts. This one blows me away!

Just wanted to share, and again, "Keep dreaming".


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