Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Computer "Crashed"

So, I just got my computer up and running again after being without for two weeks. Right after I posted my last blog on "Sex & Pornography", I tried to download xxxchurch for myself and my computer completely crashed. I don't know if this was directly related to that website or what caused the crash. As crazy as this may sound, I believe it was spiritual warfare. I have actually lost blogs before, that were tools for God against the enemy, and had to totally rewrite them from scratch. It comes as no surprise that my computer would completely crash after writing my last blog "Sex & Pornography" and then attempting to download xxxchurch to hold myself accountable; this was a huge step of faith for me. I have learned on my walk with Christ, that the enemy isn't just going to roll over and die when you speak out against him. The poser will fight harder to condemn you. He will stop at nothing, and yes, he can do his work in the material world too. During my downtime from my computer, I heard God ask me, "What will you do with your time now to Honor Me"? After some serious self-evaluation, I realized that I was putting too much time in on my computer blogging, facebooking (or as I call it - wastebook), and surfing the net. It has become a huge distraction from God. Therefor, I will not be wasting any more time on facebook and will only be writing blogs when I am inspired to. Surfing the net is no longer an option, it is a dangerous place to be for a bored man. After consulting my computer guru friends and contacting Dell, the problem was diagnosed as a crashed hard drive. This means all of my files (business, 100's of pictures, AutoCAD) were lost. I am hopeful that some may be recovered, especially my pictures, and I am thankful that none of my online files were harmed. I want to thank everybody for their comments and support. I look forward to blogging about my human experiences and to receiving all of your replies. Until then....

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