Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Living In Mediocrity

Mediocre - 1. of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good or bad; barely adequate. 2. rather poor or inferior.

Have you ever felt like everything or everyone around does not meet your expectations? Like your needs aren't being met? And if someone does something for you, it wasn't done the way you would have liked for it to be done?

Have you ever viewed yourself as "perfect" or better than others? That everyone around you is slacking or not giving their all?

Have you ever felt that when bad things happen to you, it is a personal attack on you from that person or thing? Like someone is always out to test your patience?

If you have, then you need some serious medication. But seriously, has any of this ever happened to you? It happens to me. Not all of the time. It comes and goes, almost like seasons; especially when I am in a bad mood or stressed out.
I was driving home from the gym the other day (exercising is my only real way to vent these days), and some lady came shooting out of a parking lot, into the street, right in front of me. She didn't even stop or look when she did it. So, I hit my brake pedal and swerved to avoid hitting her. She decides to stop when she realizes she is about to get clobbered, and then she throws her hands up and starts yelling at me. I don't know what she was saying, but I'm guessing it wasn't "How was your workout?" This has been happening a lot to me lately, even when I am driving through my own neighborhood.
I started to think about how people are doing everything half-assed these days. I feel like everyone around me is only putting in half of the effort at what they are doing. People not paying attention when they are driving. The guys at the gym spend half of the time trying to look pretty and the other half doing some lamo workout. I even feel like half the people that I meet at my church are only being authentic with me and showing their true selves. I know this sounds like a huge judgement call coming from me and it probably is. I am just stating how I feel or see things. But it doesn't stop with other people. Lately, I have even been putting myself on the stand. I judge the way I parent my kids. I judge my ability to be the husband that my wife needs me to be. Lately, I have even been judging my own work in disapproval. I feel like I live in a world of mediocrity.
How do we get to this place? What causes us to lose our focus, especially on what is important? Are we too distracted with our cell phones? It's amazing how many people try to multi-task and do this while driving, exercising or even pushing a cart through a grocery store.
What causes our defenses to go up when we do something that is wrong? Why do we immediately find fault in somebody when we have wronged them? Is it our level of perfectionism? I know that I'm not perfect, but it's o.k. to strive. Maybe our standards are just set too high and most, if not all, people can't meet them.
I really don't have any answers here, just a bunch of questions. I'm guessing a lot of people deal with this. What if we challenge ourselves with these questions. What if we stop settling for mediocrity and start striving to be more driven. I think the important thing here is to focus on one's self. Don't take it personally when something bad happens. Realize that no one is perfect. There has only been one perfect person that walked the face of the earth, and He died for you and me. Everyone makes mistakes, and when they do, they're not personally trying to test you.

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