Friday, May 1, 2009

Honduras Mission - Day 5

Day 5 brought home sickness. Being around the local kids for a few days made me miss my own. I felt as if I was loosing my focus on what God wanted to show me, and was starting to make everything about me. What started out as a slow miserable day turned into a pretty physical event. Jon decided that he wanted to dig up a stump/root that was 3 feet in diameter and a few feet tall. It was an irremovable object. We dug, chopped, cut and pounded at it for the better part of three hours. The team work and the willingness to not give up was incredible. Who would have thought there could have been so much to be learned from digging up a stump. We finally got it down to a 12 inch in diameter-2 feet high stump when I decided to tackle it. Four of us hit that thing and pushed with all of our strength until...VICTORY! The irremovable object was removed. Doesn't God do that all of the time?

In the afternoon, we had another futbol game followed by a sermon on the hill. Bob gave his testimony to the Hondurans which I believe was the first ever. Ryan gave a message from the book of Mathew and then we handed out clothes and shoes to everyone. It felt like a story from the Bible. I wonder sometimes if stuff like this will end up in a history book in the future.

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