Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quick Thought

What is the role of a father during a time of family crisis? If one of my children were to rebel against us, what would I do? What would be my role as the father? I am referring to the type of rebellion that typically occurs when the child is in his/her teen years. Would I reject my son or daughter. If they were old enough to fend for themselves, would I kick them out? Isn't that what society tells us to do? The book I am reading "The Man God Uses", refers to a couple faced with this exact crisis. After being told by friends to kick their son out, the family prayed and received a different answer. God told them: "I had rules in my house too. How many times did you break my rules and sin against me? I never kicked (or rejected) you out of my home. Every time you sinned, I forgave you when you asked me." Do we love our children the way God loves us? Or, do we just love them on the surface with certain levels of conditions? If families today are going to stay intact, healthy, and God centered, the man God uses MUST demonstrate integrity of character as a father and a husband. Most importantly, fathers who earnestly seek to be men of character will make an honest attempt to pass on their faith, not their flaws. Just a quick thought.

1 comment:

cinciann said...

Love the thought! Passing on our flaws is so easy, and so dangerous...it's hard to not use "that's just the way I am" or "that's what I had to deal with growing up" as an excuse not to do things differently...

Good post, hon!