Thursday, February 19, 2009


Obedience is defined as the state of being obedient; compliance with that which is required by authority (GOD), subjection to rightful restraint or control; or, dutiful or submissive behavior with respect to another person (JESUS). What does that definition mean? This is something I am struggling through right now so extra grace is required. Also, I am asking for forgiveness if I offend, but then again, I am being called to offend for Christ.
Yesterday I had a conversation with a family member about our concern for a loved one. This person is going through a particularly rough time in his life and I am concerned for his well being. I am trying not to make any judgements, but that is hard for me when it comes to family. We started talking about this persons faith and his salvation. This was a rough one because I am a Jesus freak and most of my family are non-practicing traditionalist catholics. We both believe in the same God, but how we act out in faith are totally different concepts. I told my family member how I was concerned about this persons soul, and I was basically told that he will be alright because he knows there is a God and his friend is taking him to Sunday mass. How is there any obedience in that? The person we are referring to isn't even baptized catholic. So many times in life we do something because we think it is a good thing to do without even putting some thought into it. I am a firm believer in owning my own faith and the only way to own it is to get out the shovel and dig into it. I believe that it is essential to be in the word, go to church, surround myself with friends who are believers and to have a prayer life with Jesus. All of these are components of owning my own faith. Just going to church to check in is not an outlet. I may sound upset because I am, like I said, this is a family member we're dealing with here.
In my obedience, I am called to offend for Christ. This simply means that I will verbally state where I am with Him. The book of Acts 28:30-31 says "For two whole years Paul stayed in his house and welcomed all who came to see him. Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ". Uh-oh, there's that "preach" word. Why is it friends and family don't want to be preached to? It is just a form of stating scripture. Is it our own inadequate faith that we are being made aware of that makes us throw up the "please don't preach to me" defense? In my obedience to Christ, I will preach when I need to and teach how God has shown his love for me when I am asked to.
My dutiful and submissive behavior is required by Christ and if that means that I have to offend a family member for Him, then I will. I only do it because I love Him and I love them. My challenge to you is to own your own faith. Don't just go with the flow or tradition. Be obedient to Him. Dig into it. Own it!

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