Sunday, February 1, 2009

Found A Cure

So I woke up at 2:30 the other morning, groggy and talking to myself, and thanking God for my wife like I usually do when I first wake up. I immediately thought of a friend from my youth that I just reconnected with on I had lost contact with her several years ago and was able to locate her through her sister. We caught up with each other with all of the favorite questions..."where are you living, what are you doing these days, how are the kids" and so on. She had told me that her oldest daughter was just diagnosed with diabetes. She remembered that Ann (my wife) has diabetes and asked a few questions about her experience with it. After I answered her questions, we realized that Ann was the same age as her daughter when she was diagnosed and has the same type. At the time, I thought that it was pretty ironic. Our conversation moved on and I really haven't put any more thought into it since then.
A few months ago, my wife attended a worship and healing service called "Encounter" at our church. She was on fire (not literally) when she came home about how God told her that He was going to cure her diabetes. I was excited for her but have to admit that divine healing is one of my biggest struggles in my faith. I have heard countless stories and have even witnessed a couple of small miracles but nothing this big and personal. I'm not going to go into great detail about diabetes, but a diabetic has to constantly monitor their insulin levels and take shots (of insulin) when the levels are high. Ann has always managed hers pretty well but since her Encounter, things have started to get out of control. Just last week, she had another prayer and healing experience at a service called "SOZO" (which you can read more about on her blog page called "Thoughts on a Journey"). She told me that God is still holding to His promise and that He is going to cure her. Ann has had a lot of unusual dreams and visions since this last prayer service. One dream she shared with me was about some angels, that were in the form of humming birds, and they were blowing black smoke off of her internal organs. One of these areas happened to be the pancreas which is the organ that produces (or in a diabetics case, doesn't produce) the body's insulin. I know what you're's just a dream! God doesn't heal in today's era! If He is so great, why did He let her get diabetes in the first place? I believe that He is healing her and that He will do it in His time. I also believe that God doesn't allow bad things happen to good people. That has something to do with sin and the fall of man, which is another topic in itself. God loves us and He finds opportunities to do His divine work in our lives during our less than fortunate circumstances. All we have to do is have little faith and accept Him.
It is not 100% clear to me why God woke me up at 2:30 the other morning, but I think he wants me to share this experience with my friend. He wants me to let her know that I have found a cure for diabetes (and all diseases for that matter). The cure is Him. The important thing to remember here is patience. Our timing is completely different from His. What seems like an eternity to us is a second to Him. I am humbling myself and trying to be patient with this whole process. What an awesome privilege it is to get to witness a divine miracle healing in my lifetime. Thank You Jesus for loving us so.

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