Wednesday, March 4, 2009

To Fight Or Not To Fight

Many of you know by now that I am preparing to go on a mission trip to Honduras. I think that I also mentioned that part of this trip includes a four mile hike up a mountain...with gear. The group of guys I am going with is a great group of guys. Christian, inspiring and CRAZY is the best way to describe most of them. They have actually created a theme for this mission trip and the theme is "Fighting". That's right, fighting. As we prepare for our trip to Honduras, we will be getting together every Sunday at club MMA to have a meeting and then to train for Ultimate Fighter style fighting. Can you imagine....a bunch of church going Jesus freaks fighting like dogs? At first, I thought the idea of it was stupid and crazy. How will people outside of our church view us? Now that the idea has had time to set in, and I am preparing for my first training session this weekend, I think it sounds pretty exciting. The workout includes weight training, cardio and sparring. What better way to prepare ourselves for a four mile hike. Not only physically, but mentally as well. I believe in order to have a sound body, you must have a sound mind. This helps alleviate fear, helps you to stay focused and gives you the can do/don't quit mentality. The "Fight" theme is perfect for a bunch of guys who want to be "Guys". I already workout six days a week and I have intensified my workouts in the past couple of months in order to prepare myself for this year's biking and triathlons. I have even bought a 100 lb. heavy bag and a speed bag to incorporate into my workouts. Did I mention, that when I was a kid, I thought I was ROCKY? "Yo Adrian". I love working out and now more than ever. I am interested to see how I hold up with some of the fellow Hondomaniacs. I've had my fair share of bouts when I was growing up, but that was ten years ago. I have done a lot of hard work over the past ten years in dealing with my anger. I was a very temperamental person and it didn't take much to set me off. I also believe in the old saying, it doesn't matter the size of the man in the fight but the size of the fight in the man. I think a calm and focused man has more of an advantage than an angry out of control lunatic. I used to be the lunatic. Hopefully, I can find my calm and maintain my focus. I am anxious to train with my fellow mission buddies, but not at the cost of my sanity. Only one thing left to say,"If you can't stand the heat....." (The Rock). Peace.

1 comment:

Troy said...

...just speaking for me, but after an hour of kicking and hitting things Sunday, I could not find a way to be angry Monday, it was all out of me.