Friday, January 2, 2009

Blogging is stupid!

I never could understand why people would want to "blog" about themselves. To me it was just another self centered act of getting attention. Then my wife started a blog, and I got hooked on reading hers. I realized it is exactly like keeping a journal, but this journal has total access. I discovered that there is something theraputic to expressing your feelings in words and what a great tool it is for someone else to understand something about that person they may not have picked up on earlier. I started following a couple of other friends blogs as well and saw some other benefits of venting or just being able to share something totally off the wall with someone. So here I am, starting a blog. Most of mine will be random thoughts, some personal, some inspiring and some will just be totally STUPID. Hope you enjoy and I am looking forward to some input.


cinciann said...

Hi hon! Welcome to blogging! Can't wait to read your stuff!

DanThoms said...

A lot of people blog because it is therapeutic, I however blog because I am egotistical :)

Jeff said...

You and your lovely bride frighten me. While I have not convinced myself to so such a thing (or figure out where to find the time) I have thought the very same thing. Your wife reminds me far too often how much she is similar to my own. Only one major issue though. You HAVE to change the terrible picture you have up. Must have hit the wrong button on the computer! :)
Happy New Year Nick.