Thursday, January 8, 2009

Adventure Trip

One of my favorite memories of my childhood is when my best friend and I would lay in the grass and just stare up at a star filled sky and imagine. Where does it end? How many stars are there? How big are the stars? Is there really a God? At the time, I probably didn't think much of it, but I was having an intimate conversation with God. He was staring right back at me and I didn't even realize it. I don't lay in the grass that much any more, but I still wonder.
I have matured a lot since those days, physically and spiritually. Recently, I was reading a book called "Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson. One of his questions was, Do angels yawn? How can an angel possibly be bored in Heaven? What if there are such things as guardian angels? If we are living such boring lives, wouldn't our guardian angels be bored as well? I don't feel like my life is an adventure any more. We all get stuck in patterns of lifestyle, but that doesn't mean it can't be adventurous. What if God was telling me, that starlit night when I was a kid, that He has big plans for my life. That is was going to be an adventure. As I look back, I think of all of the cool stuff I have done in my life. I served in the Persian Gulf, got married, had kids, and found Jesus. Those are all large adventures with lots of small ones built in. Some people might say, "Those aren't adventures, that's just a part of life". I guess it just depends on how you look at it. But what if the bigger adventures in life comes from the acknowledgement of what we already know? What if He doesn't allow us to the next level of adventure if we aren't even thankful for the ones that have already been presented? What if we're just too lazy or scared to go on adventure?
Challenge: what would you do that is outside of your comfort zone? I triple-dog dare you to go on adventure this year. I know I am, and it starts with laying in the grass (snow) and staring up at the sky.

1 comment:

Ellen Karns said...

I love it Nick! What a great way to think about life - and those "little" things like serving in the Persian Gulf, being a father, being a husband... those are the biggest of all. Doesn't mean that we should stop there though. As for an adventure for '09, mine is going to be dedicated quiet/study time from 6-8am every day. Not necessarily climbing Mt. Everest, but it is still pretty itimidating to me ;)