Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Do You Trust Me?

Our marriage, the sale of our home, our kids safety and well being, our health, even my work. These are all things that I am trusting God with, or at least saying that I trust Him with. Trusting Him isn't always easy. Especially in those moments of my own selfish needs and my human timing of things. I often find that my trust is conditional and if I don't get the results I want, when I want them, then I begin to question His love for me.

It has been almost a year now since my trip to Honduras. I had to let go of a lot of control in my life and just trust that God was going to show up during that trip. And He did,...BIG time! I remember the simplicity that I witnessed in Honduras. It seems the less stuff that the people had, the happier they were. It was almost as if it was easier for the Hondurans to trust God with their lives because they had less to complicate things. They didn't have to worry about making a car payment. They didn't even have an electric or water bill. They are trusting God to provide them with meals, clothing and shelter; and He is.

So I'm at church this past weekend and the words "DO YOU TRUST ME" pop up on the big screen behind the stage. Immediately I hear Him ask me, "Well, do you?" So I start praying (which is a pretty good thing to do when you hear God's voice), "I want to God". "I'm trying really hard to trust You". And then I got to thinking about all of this work I've been doing with my counselor to let go of my control. If I assume that I am in control of everything, my ability to trust is greatly reduced. Then I realize how out of control that I really am. I am not in control of my marriage. I am not in control of the sale of my home. I can only do so much to assure my kids safety and well being. I can only control my health by eating right and exercising, but that doesn't completely eliminate the risk of disease. I can only do the work that God provides for me to do (and only He can provide that for everybody). Bottom line is that He is in control of everything and I have a lot to trust Him with.

Think of all of the Biblical figures that had to trust God. Moses and the Israelites stood knee deep in the Red Sea and trusted God to deliver them out of Egypt and from the Pharaohs tyranny. David placed great trust in his God when he stood before Goliath in battle. Noah built an ark in the middle of a forest at the risk of his own humility, and God came through for him. Jesus faced the cross and changed how we are affected by sin forever by trusting in His Abba.

Father, I humbly come to you and ask for forgiveness of my stubborn pride. Lord, take control from me. Give me strength to believe in you and allow you to be in control. And God, I trust You! I trust you with every aspect of my life. If I start to doubt Lord, please send me a reminder. You can have Your way Father. Thank you! In Jesus' name, Amen.

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