Monday, September 21, 2009


It's official. I have lost my passion for doing wood work. At least from a job perspective anyway. This has been on my mind and heart for a while now. I took on a lot of work this summer and I saw my quality of work decrease. I believe that I'm just not wired to meet deadlines and multitask jobs simultaneously.
I have been doing cabinetry for a little over ten years now and have done it independently for a little over seven years. Not bad for someone who has commitment issues. I have always had a hard time finding joy in my work and staying in one place for more than a couple of years. I got into cabinetry after I realized that I didn't want to spend countless hours in front of a computer doing architectural design. Being and Architect was something that I always thought that I wanted to do, but I'm more of a hands on kind of guy and I really found an interest in building custom cabinetry. This gave me the opportunity to continue designing and actually creating something in the residential field. I have really enjoyed the past ten years but find I would rather do it on my own terms and as a hobby now.
So what next? I really don't know. I have been doing some self evaluation and I have come to a conclusion that I am a wild spirit. I think God makes a lot of us like that. Why should we all be in one place for long periods of time? What's the point in it if you're really not happy? At least that's how I feel. I am discovering that I am passionate about a lot of things and life is short. As long as I'm given another day to breathe, I will continue to explore what I am capable of doing.
When I was a kid, I always thought it would be cool to run a pizzeria. Being Italian could be a huge advantage in that market. I have also been thinking about constants in my life. I have been an exercise nut for over twenty years now. I have always considered following a career in personal fitness instruction. Recently, I have started to train in Muay Thai and that could be an addition to fitness training. Another huge side of me is serving. I love serving people and would like a chance at doing something with my church that could impact people's lives just by serving them. So many opportunities, such little time.
So for now, I will continue to pray for guidance. Ultimately I just want to do what God has planned for me. In Him, all things are possible. Without Him, all are truly LOST.

1 comment:

Doug said...


In many ways, I know how you feel. There are so many things that I enjoy doing (not that I would say that I'm especially good at any of them), but I get bored doing the same thing over and over again. One of the things I really enjoy about rehabing houses is that I get to do many different things. One day I play at carpentry, the next it may be plumbing, electric or painting.
With your carpentry skills and imagination (as an archetect) you might enjoy flipping a house. Who knows.
I will also admit that I am very reluctant to do one of the things I really enjoy, woodworking. While I enjoy it, I don't feel like I'm all that good at it, it costs too much for materials, I don't have Norm Abram tools, etc. Plenty of excuses.
Any way, your post (and Tim's message) has helped inspire me to more clearly identify my strengths and interests and to get at it.