Friday, October 1, 2010


I was reading my daily devotional yesterday when I came across this passage:

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer (Matthew 21:22

I didn't think anything of it at first and finished up my quiet time (time alone with God) by reading the Bible and praying. As I was praying, I found myself asking, "Do I really, REALLY believe?" I have to admit that doubt started to slip in and it began to overwhelm me. I have been praying for God to help us with the sale of our home and to rescue us from foreclosure, but still, we wait while nothing happens. I have been praying for God to take Ann's diabetes away, but still, she lives with it. I have been praying for God to reveal Himself in my daily activities and struggles, but I am too busy focusing on other things to see Him doing so.

The day went on and I continually allowed myself to get depressed until I felt completely detached from God. This lead to fatigue and a terrible migraine. I was down for the count.

As I was laying down, trying to relieve my headache, my wonderful bride returned home from work and came to my side. She gently rubbed my back and asked me what was wrong and I shared with her what was on my mind. She didn't interrupt or suggest anything, she just listened. When I was finished, she waited for a few moments and then shared a story with me. The story was about our son Dominick and how he is longing for his own cell phone, and although we think that now is not the right time for him to have one, we know that someday soon we will give him one. Ann was comparing Dominick's hopes for a cell phone to my prayers and whatever I have asked God for. Sounds like something Jesus would have done, doesn't it?

I have talked about God's timing before and that is pretty much what it comes down to. God knows what is best for His children. He does listen and He always provides. Praying is 50/50, which means that we have to listen for His Word just as much as we speak from our lips. Praying requires patience and awareness. And most of all, praying relies on us believing. If we didn't believe in God and His promises to us, why would He even bother listening to us in the first place?

My day ended with me thinking about all of the blessings in my life. I thought about all of the prayers that were answered or unanswered as well. As I was thinking of these, I closed my eyes and prayed to my God and thanked Him for the day and for everything that He has done in my life.

Do you believe? If not, take count of the blessings in your life.


1 comment:

Danette said...

Very beautiful. Sounds like your wife is a very wise woman.