Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Best Day & Worst Day

Best Day: It was Sunday, September 4th, 1994. I had purchased a beautiful diamond engagement ring a few weeks before the Labor Day weekend and the plan was to ask Ann to marry me while we were downtown for the holiday fireworks. I carried that ring around all day, in it's case, stuffed in my sock on that hot September day. Between not having the courage to pop the question in front of thousands of people and the thought of knowing how stinky the case would be after pulling it out of my sweaty sock, I just couldn't propose to her. I waited until we returned home that evening and right there in the middle of our cozy one bedroom apartment, I got down on one knee and asked Ann Lauer to be my bride. That was my best day ever.

Worst Day: After 14 years of marriage, Ann and I have had our share of hard times. Last November, on Thanksgiving Eve, we were in the midst of yet another conflict. Accusations were thrown, and stupid things were said and then I heard the words that crushed my heart, "I don't know if I love you anymore." It has been 10 months since I have heard those words and I don't think that my heart has yet fully healed. But, I have received counsel, hard work has been done, some trust has grown back and healing is taking it's course. I have grown and learned a lot about myself and my wife over the past 10 months, and I still have a lot of work to do that lies ahead. I have been in the fight of my life, a fight for my marriage. That day before thanksgiving was my worst day ever, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. If Ann had not said what she said, I would have not have fully surrendered to God and allowed Him to do the work that needed to be done in my life to mold me into the man that I needed to be; the man that my wife deserved. In fact, there is no doubt in my mind that I would be divorced right now and still living a self-destructive, prideful and over controlling life. Thank you my bride!

What are your best and worst days?


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