Friday, May 7, 2010


I was riding my mountain bike at Mitchell Memorial Park bike trail yesterday when I came across this fellow taking a rest about two miles into the trail. I said hello as I went past him and he asked me how I was doing. I didn't want to stop or slow down because the trail was very muddy from the previous evenings' rain which makes it harder to keep momentum, so I quickly answered "fine, as long as I don't spill in the mud".
I noticed how big the guy was and thought to myself he is never going to make it through the whole trail. He probably weighed over two hundred and fifty pounds, and his bike looked out dated as well which means it was heavy too. Obviously this guy felt inspired to get some exercise and was determined to ride the trail on this day. The trail is a four mile loop which was designed for amateur or intermediate riders. It has a couple of good hill climbs and one short bridge to cross over, but nothing too extreme. It has been there for about three years now and gets better with age as the ground wears making roots protrude, and all of the other debris that nature naturally provides over the years. Add a little rain into the mix to create some good mud and it becomes pretty challenging, even for experienced riders.
I was going around for my second trip when I realized that I had not passed the guy yet again. As I was approaching the end of the trail I could see him exiting the woods up ahead of me. I caught up to him just as we reached the parking lot. Again, no deep conversations because we were both exhausted and were trying to catch our breath, but I told him that it was a good ride. He agreed as he began to load his bike onto it's rack. His shirt was completely saturated with sweat. His heavy cargo shorts were covered with sweat and mud as well as his old sneakers. He told me to take care and then got into his Jeep and drove off.
I started to think about and admire how the guy made it through the trail. I really didn't think that he would. His effort and determination impressed me. Most guys his size would not attempt to ride that muddy trail let alone even get on a bike and exercise. His effort also inspired me to push myself even harder. I hope to run into the guy again. I would like to ask him what inspires him.

Luke 9:23-25:
Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?


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