Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I was just sitting here thinking about how much I love the new series of "Transformers" movies. They are jam-packed with action, passion, adventure, a beauty to fight for, and of course all of the automotive toys.
But then I got to thinking about how we, ourselves, are all transformers and there is more to us than meets the eyes. What I mean is, we all have the ability to transform ourselves from something normal into something totally awesome. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being normal. But I would argue, that God has something "great" planned for all of us, and if we allow Him to do His work in our lives; then we all have the ability to become something great.
I have been on this journey for the past several months to discover the man that God has intended me to be. It has been a rough, yet rewarding journey. This journey has had it's fill of action, adventure, trials & tribulations. I have discovered so much about myself and my true potential.
In the sequel "Revenge Of The Fallen", Optimus Prime tells Sam Witwicky that they cannot defeat the Decepticons without him. At first, Sam denies his calling to be something great. He wants a normal life. He just wants to go to college and find his place in the world through a "normal" course of events. He soon realizes that he is not normal. His calling becomes so evident that he has no choice but to aid Optimus in the victory over the Decepticons. He has to dig down deep to find that warrior within himself. He has to transform himself into something extraordinary to get the job done. Optimus' own survival and the earth's existence depends on this.
So how does this fictional story compare to the true stories of our life? Who's existence depends on us? As a Christian, I would have to say that everyone I come in contact with benefits from my transformation. My wife, my children, co-workers, the guy at the gym. Anyone who struggles, anyone with questions, anyone with doubt. Those who believe, my fellow followers, my friends and pastor at church. Anyone and everyone can benefit from my transformation in Christ.
God has called me to rise to the challenge. He has invited me to go on this journey. It will challenge me. It will be an adventure filled with accomplishments and failures (we learn from our mistakes). It will bring out the inner warrior in me. It will reveal the "Man" that God intended me to be.
Will you accept the calling? Will you allow yourself to be transformed? Will you rely and trust God's plan for you? If you do, I guarantee that you will not regret it.

Now I just need to figure out how to get my car to turn into an awesome robot. Peace!

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