Friday, December 31, 2010

Poem: "A REAL MAN"

I was laying in bed this morning, trying to plan my day, when God inspired me to write this poem.

A Real Man

A real man rises in the morning
and falls to his knees in worship.
He gives thanks for the day
whether it brings joy or hardship.

A real man provides for his family
not only financially but by his spiritual obligation.
He has hope in the Lord
and prays for His Reconciliation.

A real man makes himself vulnerable
knowing that his masculinity will be in question.
He admits his fears and also his wrongs
and he asks for help in his weak conditions.

A real man doesn't have all of the answers
but he continuously prays for God's Wisdom.
He humbly cries out to his God
for it is His Love that we cannot fathom.

I often think about how vulnerable I make myself when I write these blogs. I am the kind of person who worries about what other people's opinions are of me. John the Baptist also practiced making himself vulnerable. He was honest and humble. In John 3:30, he states: "He must become greater; I must become less". There was nothing phony in that statement. John knew who he was in his relation to Jesus and he was not afraid to admit.
I am trying so hard to decrease who I am so that Jesus can increase who He is, and it is one of the hardest, most challenging and soul wrenching things that I have ever done. I am at war with myself, but I have no choice because I am sick of living with my sins. I will always be a sinner, that is just a fact of life, but I gratefully seek and appreciate God's glorious redemption.


1 comment:

Troy said...

That should be the definition of a man...too bad it is the exact opposit of what is pounded into the heads of most men every day.