I have said it before, and I will say it again. To some people, cars are more than just a means of transportation. They are more than just a hunk of metal. They are an extension of us. They are in our blood. They are an art form and also a creation of one's imagination. I get it that we can't take them with us when we die. I get it that they are just material objects. I really don't think God cares that we value or love such things, just as long as we don't value them over Him.

This particular car has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. Isn't it God that created us to dream? Isn't it God that created us to Love? I think God has joy for us when we are passionate about something. The only thing that I have loathed during my ownership of this vehicle (or any other for that matter), is people's opinions of what I should or should not do with it. To me, that is pure jealousy. To me, those people are the biggest hypocrites of them all. Why should they say, "Hey Nick, maybe you should get rid of your Mustang. Just think of the freedom that it would bring you". They have cast their negative thoughts at me. Not once did I hear this from God.

I made this car what it is. I had a vision and I created my version of this Saleen Mustang. It has very much become a part of me and it is unique because of me. I am thankful of the people who have helped me to put it together. I am thankful for those with the same passion, who appreciate a beautiful car.

I have set my price, high or not, because that is what it is worth to me. Actually, it is worth a helluva lot more, but I have to be realistic in a shitty economic market. I'm hoping that it doesn't sell, but I will be sincere and follow through if it does.

The last thing that I want to hear is a bunch of church people telling me that it will be alright. I already know that it will be alright, because ultimately I believe that God has a much better plan for me. Instead of telling me how it's going to be, I would much rather be asked, "Hey Nick, I sense that there is something wrong, is there anything that I can do for you"? I would much rather people let me vent without judging me.
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