Monday, February 22, 2010

Winter To Spring

I don't know if I actually have a favorite season. I think that I like the transformation that happens between the seasons the most. I love it when summer shifts in to autumn and my favorite is when winter hosts in spring.
Seasons alone are long and become mundane. The hot humid air of summer wears me down after a while and I long for a blast of cool Canadian air to sweep down over us. But when that cool Canadian air brings freezing temperatures and snow well into the month of March, then I am ready for spring.
This winter has definitely brought it's share of snow. I like the snow. I actually love shoveling it. I get a kick out of how many of my neighbors use snow blowers to remove the snow from their driveways and it takes them almost twice as long than me. There is something still to be said for good ole fashion elbow grease. I love playing in the snow too. Sledding with the kids will always be one of my favorites. I just wish that it would snow more at the beginning of winter rather than towards the end of it.
I don't like winters that are long and bitterly cold. The kind of winters when the temps are in the single digits and the wind cuts right through me. Those are the kind of winters that make me look forward to our family trip to Florida in the spring.
Growth and new life is the theme of every spring. And I'm not just referring to grass, flowers and trees. It is a season of change for us as well. A chance to come out of our winter cocoons and grow into something beautiful. This spring, I am continuing to grow into my new role as a man. The man that God intended for me to be. A better father and a better husband. A better servant, and not just to those around me, but to God as well. In Matthew 25:40, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." By this He meant that when ever we serve each other, we are really serving Him. That's a beautiful thing.
There are also dangers that come with the change of seasons. Cabin fever can cause boredom. Boredom is a killer of men. When a man becomes bored, he drifts. He slips into patterns of unhealthy behavior. Every man has his own suffice to cure his own boredom, and I definitely have my share of mine. I always get the automotive bug in the spring. No, I'm not going to purchase another vehicle. I love customizing whatever it is that I am driving. The danger in this is that it is an expensive hobby. I buy things that I don't really need and I do it behind my spouse's back. My only cure for this is to focus on the Word. I need friends that will hold me accountable. This accountability applies to everything from staying away from pornography to not spending money on stupid stuff for my truck.
This spring, my focus is on God's gift of growth for me. I will continue to transform into the man that He is calling me to be. And if it continues to snow, I will out-shovel my snow blower neighbors.

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