Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Open The Eyes Of My Heart

I was talking to my ten year son (Dominick) a couple of days ago and somehow we got onto the topic of faith. Dominick asked me how can I really believe in God. I told him that I have seen enough of His work in my life that now it is just easy for me to recognize Him.

With a puzzled look on his face and his fingers twitching (something only Dominick does when he is thinking), I could tell something deep was about to come out of his mouth. He looked at me and said "Dad, I believe in God, but sometimes it's really hard for me to believe in Him.""I mean, in order for me to believe in something or someone. . . . I have to see it right in front of me".

I looked back with my puzzled look and tried not to say anything because I really did not know what to say. I waited for a few minutes and then I said "Sometimes you just have to see and believe with your heart". "You believed in Santa all those years, and yet you never saw him". And I left it at that.

I processed our conversation for a day or two and then I approached him again. I told him that I am glad he is questioning his belief. We all do that. I think that it is in those moments that God really gets through to us somehow. We aren't just taking somebodies word for it, we are struggling and searching for Him. We are challenging Him to challenge us. And with all of that, comes growth. We may not see it at first because we are too human. But sooner or later, our questionable doubt turns into true belief and we know He is there.

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