Saturday, June 13, 2009


Fact: There is A God!

Fact: Jesus is God in Flesh!

Fact: Jesus came to this Earth to save us!

Fact: Jesus is the only way to our Father!

Fact: Jesus was crucified on the cross for us!

Fact: Jesus was, is, and always will BE!

Fact: This Earth can be a scary and dark place to live.

Fact: There are wars going on today.

Fact: There is an enemy named satan.

Fact: We are all going to die someday.

Question: What would you risk dying for?

Definition of a "Warrior" - Someone engaged in or experienced in warfare.

Question: Would you consider yourself a warrior?

I'm guessing most people on this planet would answer that question "No". I can understand why they would answer it that way too. They may not see themselves as a warrior because they are not in the military. Or maybe warrior is only a Hollywood term that people don't really use anymore. Maybe there are a lot of people out there that just don't believe in "fighting" for something. I would have to argue with that belief. Everyone on this Earth is fighting for something. Some are fighting to get that raise at work, some are fighting just to muster up enough energy to make it through the day, some are fighting back negative feelings, some are fighting for their right to believe in something, some just like to fight,...I think you get the idea by now.

Question: Do you see Jesus as a fighter (warrior) or just a peaceful friendly guy?

I think He is both. Let's examine the day He was born. I think Christmas tradition paints that glorious night as a peaceful, angels singing, kings and sheppards in awe, O' what a wonderful night. And I'm sure that all took place. But what do you think satan was doing at that time? I'm sure he wasn't jumping for joy and clapping his hands that his defeater was here. No, he was scheming and waging war on Jesus. I think it was King Herod that put out an order to murder all infants in an attempt to wipe out Jesus. Where do you think Herod got is orders from? My guess it was satan that put that thought in his head. So, at a very early age, Jesus was placed in this world which was at war. I'd say that makes him a warrior. I'd say Joseph and Mary were warriors as well. They had orders from God to protect their child at all cost.

Deep Question: Why do you believe you are here on this Earth?

I hope you don't just think you are here to exist. I hope you are ALIVE! I hope your life has meaning. I hope your life has purpose. God is madly in love with you and wants great things for you while you are here on Earth. Most of all, He wants you to spend eternity with Him. He wants you to fight against the things that keep you in bondage. He wants you to take risks and share His name with a stranger. He wants you to live freely without worry or stress. HE WANTS YOU!

Question: What will you fight for?

Question: Who would you die for if you had to?

Question: Will you trust Him with your life?

Fact: You are a WARRIOR!

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