His best friend betrayed Him for a sack of coins.

He was taken captive.

He was prosecuted by religious priests.

He was given to the Romans.

He was mocked and spat on.

He was whipped and beaten so brutally that His flesh was torn from His body.

He was ordained "The King of Jews".

A murderer was set free in His place.

Pontius Pilot washed his hands of Him and condemned Him to the Cross.

He carried His own Cross that took two roman soldiers just to lift.

We nailed Him to the Cross.

Even at His death, He asked for our forgiveness.

"It is accomplished!"

He was removed from the Cross.

He was given a traditional burial...on the third day...the tomb IS empty. (Fact - you could dig up all of the graves of religious leaders and profits from the past 2,000 years and you would find their bones. If you were to dig up Jesus' grave, you would find nothing!)
So what don't you get? Why is it so hard to accept this? Does this change your life? How will you let it change your life?

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