My good friend, Steve Nixon, sent me an email that I have seen before, but still never ceases to amaze me every time I read it. Here is a part of it:
There was an officer in the army sitting on the other side of me. He was flying back to Afghanistan and said something that really surprised me. I asked him what was one of the biggest misconceptions about Afghanistan and here’s what he told me: “We statistically lose more 18-25 year old soldiers when they go home for R&R than we do in combat in the field.” That surprised me. If you asked me which was more dangerous, being in the middle of an armed conflict in Afghanistan or going home for a few weeks of rest and relaxation, I’d pick the first option. But the more the army officer explained it, the more it made sense. “What sometimes happens is that you have folks that go back home after being out of the country for months at a time. They’re flush with cash, haven’t been in a lot of social situations lately and think they’re out of danger.” They buy motorcycles and crash them. They make crazy financial situations that wreck them. They get in DUIs. In a million different ways they make the kind of mistakes that can ruin you. All at home. All on vacation.
I get very upset when I see a bumper sticker that says "Bring Our Troops Home", or "End The War". Too me, that is such a disgrace. It is cutting the legs out from under every soldier who has made the choice to defend his country. Where are all of the bumper stickers that say "No More Drinking or Partying"? Maybe it is the fact that we as humans value life too much. Maybe that goes against us. I think that we all get hung up on the idea that this is it, our one go at it, and when we are dead, that's it. The fact is that this is not our home. This is just a transition place before Heaven and Eternity.
There will always be a war to fight. War is Biblical, and I support any war that goes against evil. There is a real enemy and his name is Satan, and we are all God's soldiers and are asked to stand against the enemy. When I think of ultimate sacrifice, I think of Jesus and what He did on the Cross. He defeated the enemy with His victory over death. Jesus is the ultimate Hero! I have never seen a bumper sticker that says, "Jesus Is A Wimp", and if there is one, I feel sorry for the person sporting it around. I hope that I get the opportunity to go out fighting, just like my hero Jesus did.
Father God, I lift up all of my brothers and sisters who are serving this nation that I have been blessed to live in. I ask You to provide them with strength and stamina. I pray for Your will to be done with the war, Lord. Father, again I acknowledge that you are in full control of what transpires in this fallen world. Thank You God, for all of Your provisions and Your everlasting Grace. And thank You for all of the men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice!
In Your beautiful name Jesus, Amen.

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