My youngest son and I were on our way home from school yesterday when he asked me, "Why do you listen to this stuff daddy?" I was listening to Classical music (Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, etc...), and I often do in the Fall and Winter to help set the mood for the seasons. I told him that it relaxes me and he just said that it drives him crazy. He is seven, and I'm sure that someday he'll learn how to appreciate it.
This got me to thinking about a conversation that I had with one of my friends while we were at the gym. We were both sharing our dislike for a local rock station, in which I won't mention the name of but it does involve a frog. I quit listening to this station when I recognized the mood that the crap it was pouring into my ears was putting me in. Most of the songs I consider to be depressing and full of hate and really disgraceful to women. It was like porn to my ears and I didn't want it filtering through me anymore. I'm pretty sure that this was about the same time that I started walking with Christ and I am quite certain that He was making me aware of it as well.
I was listening to more and more Country at the time and would switch on and off to a couple of the Christian stations. I love Country music and the message it sends. A lot of my favorite artists sing about "life" and it really relates to me. Alan Jackson's music is a good example of this. I know, I know, most people think that Country musicians only sing about how their dog died, or how their wife left them, or how their pick-up truck quit running, but that's really not the common message anymore. It's real life with real emotions, and some of it is even God focused.
Christian music has really come a long way since my teenager years. Back then it seemed like it was either one extreme or the other, from goofy big haired bands wearing skin tight striped clothes to an over churchy gospel sound that never really clicked with me. Today, Christian music has a sound for almost any venue. From hard rocking to alternative, or from more traditional to rap, it's all there, and it's all unique but straight from the heart to God. My top three favorites include, Jars Of Clay, Mercy Me and Casting Crowns, and all three of these bands can be heard on secular stations as well. They have done a great job of becoming more mainstream and getting the Word out. My radio stations are all preset to Christian stations and I try to keep a radio on where ever I am. This helps me to stay God focused throughout the day and it also helps to keep me in a good mood as well.
I'm not saying that all classic rock and other stuff that is getting air time is trash. I dig out some of my old favorites and rock out to them every now and then, but I have to keep a limit on it. I also think that a lot of the stuff that I mentioned earlier is what a lot of these musicians are struggling with, and this is their way of crying out to God. Even gangster rappers recognize their need for God, and they share their story of life in their own ways. I believe that God hears melodies no matter what the sound is.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
God Loves Failures
If you are anything like me, you can probably count more things that you have failed at rather than succeeded at in your lifetime. I think God loves that about me, especially since I have been a believer and a follower of Him. Don't get me wrong, I think that He loves to see us succeed at things as well, but it's in those times when I fail at something that I lean on Him the most, and I believe that is what He wants the most, for us to rely on Him.
The Bible is full of stories of men who constantly missed the mark or fell short of God's desires for them; Abraham, Moses, Elijah, David and Peter are all great figures of Scripture who experienced failure. Those same stories teach us about God's Grace and His never-ending pursuit of us to overcome our failures in order to succeed for Him. My favorite story is that of a man named David which can be found in the books of 1 & 2 Samuel. David had favor with God. God knew that David would have huge struggles in his life which would lead him to constant failure. But God loved him despite his flaws and blessed him with numerous opportunities to serve Him and bring Him historical glory. This is the same David that slayed Goliath the Philistine, and grew to become anointed as Israel's second King. King David had many victories and he had God's promise that his descendants will be on the throne forever. In 2 Samuel 11, we read about how David lusted after a young woman named Bathsheba and how he would have her husband, Uriah, killed so he could be married to her. Even after this shameful act, God still loved David and kept his promise to him. I don't know what you would feel in that situation, but I would have felt like the ultimate failure and completely unworthy of God's love for me.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 says, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize".
The prize is God's Love, Grace & Forgiveness for us. When ever I am feeling like a screw-up, I am reminded of this verse, and it tells me to continue to fight, continue to run the race of life, and to continue to request and count on God's assistance in what ever the matter is. Life is full of mistakes, but it's in those times that I recover from my failure and use it as a tool of growth. We are called to learn from our failures and confess them to God. This frees us to be of service to do mightier and more successful things for Him.
Just remember that ultimately, there is nothing that we can do or say that will separate us from God's Grace. For Jesus already paid that price by giving His life for our sins (and failures) on The Cross!
The Bible is full of stories of men who constantly missed the mark or fell short of God's desires for them; Abraham, Moses, Elijah, David and Peter are all great figures of Scripture who experienced failure. Those same stories teach us about God's Grace and His never-ending pursuit of us to overcome our failures in order to succeed for Him. My favorite story is that of a man named David which can be found in the books of 1 & 2 Samuel. David had favor with God. God knew that David would have huge struggles in his life which would lead him to constant failure. But God loved him despite his flaws and blessed him with numerous opportunities to serve Him and bring Him historical glory. This is the same David that slayed Goliath the Philistine, and grew to become anointed as Israel's second King. King David had many victories and he had God's promise that his descendants will be on the throne forever. In 2 Samuel 11, we read about how David lusted after a young woman named Bathsheba and how he would have her husband, Uriah, killed so he could be married to her. Even after this shameful act, God still loved David and kept his promise to him. I don't know what you would feel in that situation, but I would have felt like the ultimate failure and completely unworthy of God's love for me.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 says, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize".
The prize is God's Love, Grace & Forgiveness for us. When ever I am feeling like a screw-up, I am reminded of this verse, and it tells me to continue to fight, continue to run the race of life, and to continue to request and count on God's assistance in what ever the matter is. Life is full of mistakes, but it's in those times that I recover from my failure and use it as a tool of growth. We are called to learn from our failures and confess them to God. This frees us to be of service to do mightier and more successful things for Him.
Just remember that ultimately, there is nothing that we can do or say that will separate us from God's Grace. For Jesus already paid that price by giving His life for our sins (and failures) on The Cross!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Ultimate Sacrifice

My good friend, Steve Nixon, sent me an email that I have seen before, but still never ceases to amaze me every time I read it. Here is a part of it:
There was an officer in the army sitting on the other side of me. He was flying back to Afghanistan and said something that really surprised me. I asked him what was one of the biggest misconceptions about Afghanistan and here’s what he told me: “We statistically lose more 18-25 year old soldiers when they go home for R&R than we do in combat in the field.” That surprised me. If you asked me which was more dangerous, being in the middle of an armed conflict in Afghanistan or going home for a few weeks of rest and relaxation, I’d pick the first option. But the more the army officer explained it, the more it made sense. “What sometimes happens is that you have folks that go back home after being out of the country for months at a time. They’re flush with cash, haven’t been in a lot of social situations lately and think they’re out of danger.” They buy motorcycles and crash them. They make crazy financial situations that wreck them. They get in DUIs. In a million different ways they make the kind of mistakes that can ruin you. All at home. All on vacation.
I get very upset when I see a bumper sticker that says "Bring Our Troops Home", or "End The War". Too me, that is such a disgrace. It is cutting the legs out from under every soldier who has made the choice to defend his country. Where are all of the bumper stickers that say "No More Drinking or Partying"? Maybe it is the fact that we as humans value life too much. Maybe that goes against us. I think that we all get hung up on the idea that this is it, our one go at it, and when we are dead, that's it. The fact is that this is not our home. This is just a transition place before Heaven and Eternity.
There will always be a war to fight. War is Biblical, and I support any war that goes against evil. There is a real enemy and his name is Satan, and we are all God's soldiers and are asked to stand against the enemy. When I think of ultimate sacrifice, I think of Jesus and what He did on the Cross. He defeated the enemy with His victory over death. Jesus is the ultimate Hero! I have never seen a bumper sticker that says, "Jesus Is A Wimp", and if there is one, I feel sorry for the person sporting it around. I hope that I get the opportunity to go out fighting, just like my hero Jesus did.
Father God, I lift up all of my brothers and sisters who are serving this nation that I have been blessed to live in. I ask You to provide them with strength and stamina. I pray for Your will to be done with the war, Lord. Father, again I acknowledge that you are in full control of what transpires in this fallen world. Thank You God, for all of Your provisions and Your everlasting Grace. And thank You for all of the men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice!
In Your beautiful name Jesus, Amen.

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Iron Sharpens Iron

The name, "Iron Sharpens Iron", comes from the Bible passage - Proverbs 27:17, which states, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another". This is what defines us as men. We are to hold one another accountable for our actions. We are called to lead each other and to teach each other. We are responsible for each other and are required to live our lives by God's standards as we grow together.
I chose the symbol of the sword because it is a weapon of a true warrior that is made from "iron". The sword is the word of God in which He bestows upon us to fight the enemy, Satan. The Latin engraving on this sword, "In Hoc Signo Vinces", stands for, "with this as your standard you shall have victory", and according to legend, *(Constantine 1 adopted this Greek phrase, "εν τούτῳ νίκα", as a motto after his vision of a chi rho on the sky just before the Battle of Milvian Bridge against Maxintius on 28 October 312. The early Christian symbol consists of a monogram composed of the Greek letters chi (X) and rho (P), the first two letters in the name Christ (Greek: Χριστός). In later periods the christogram "IHS" both stood for the first three letters of "Jesus" in Latinized Greek (Ιησούς, Latinized IHSOVS) and "in hoc signo" from the legend. The historian Eusebius states that Constantine was marching with his army (Eusebius doesn't specify the actual location of the event, but it's clearly not in the camp at Rome), when he looked up to the sun and saw a cross of light above it, and with it the Greek words "εν τούτῳ νίκα" ("by this, be victorious!", often rendered in Latin as In hoc signo vinces). At first, Constantine didn't know the meaning of the apparition, but in the following night, he had a dream in which Christ explained to him that he should use the sign against his enemies. Eusebius then continues to describe the Labarum, the military standard used by Constantine in his later wars against Licinius, showing the Chi-Rho sign.)
*(by Wikipedia)
My prayer is that God will put it on the hearts of the men who have been invited to attend. Either way, it is in His hands and I will simply be His vessel and do what ever He asks of me with this. If you are a man in search of your faith, or wanting to connect with other Christian men, and this group sounds interesting to you, please call me at 513.403.5058 or email me at
Friday, October 1, 2010
I was reading my daily devotional yesterday when I came across this passage:
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer (Matthew 21:22)
I didn't think anything of it at first and finished up my quiet time (time alone with God) by reading the Bible and praying. As I was praying, I found myself asking, "Do I really, REALLY believe?" I have to admit that doubt started to slip in and it began to overwhelm me. I have been praying for God to help us with the sale of our home and to rescue us from foreclosure, but still, we wait while nothing happens. I have been praying for God to take Ann's diabetes away, but still, she lives with it. I have been praying for God to reveal Himself in my daily activities and struggles, but I am too busy focusing on other things to see Him doing so.
The day went on and I continually allowed myself to get depressed until I felt completely detached from God. This lead to fatigue and a terrible migraine. I was down for the count.
As I was laying down, trying to relieve my headache, my wonderful bride returned home from work and came to my side. She gently rubbed my back and asked me what was wrong and I shared with her what was on my mind. She didn't interrupt or suggest anything, she just listened. When I was finished, she waited for a few moments and then shared a story with me. The story was about our son Dominick and how he is longing for his own cell phone, and although we think that now is not the right time for him to have one, we know that someday soon we will give him one. Ann was comparing Dominick's hopes for a cell phone to my prayers and whatever I have asked God for. Sounds like something Jesus would have done, doesn't it?
I have talked about God's timing before and that is pretty much what it comes down to. God knows what is best for His children. He does listen and He always provides. Praying is 50/50, which means that we have to listen for His Word just as much as we speak from our lips. Praying requires patience and awareness. And most of all, praying relies on us believing. If we didn't believe in God and His promises to us, why would He even bother listening to us in the first place?
My day ended with me thinking about all of the blessings in my life. I thought about all of the prayers that were answered or unanswered as well. As I was thinking of these, I closed my eyes and prayed to my God and thanked Him for the day and for everything that He has done in my life.
Do you believe? If not, take count of the blessings in your life.
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer (Matthew 21:22)
I didn't think anything of it at first and finished up my quiet time (time alone with God) by reading the Bible and praying. As I was praying, I found myself asking, "Do I really, REALLY believe?" I have to admit that doubt started to slip in and it began to overwhelm me. I have been praying for God to help us with the sale of our home and to rescue us from foreclosure, but still, we wait while nothing happens. I have been praying for God to take Ann's diabetes away, but still, she lives with it. I have been praying for God to reveal Himself in my daily activities and struggles, but I am too busy focusing on other things to see Him doing so.
The day went on and I continually allowed myself to get depressed until I felt completely detached from God. This lead to fatigue and a terrible migraine. I was down for the count.
As I was laying down, trying to relieve my headache, my wonderful bride returned home from work and came to my side. She gently rubbed my back and asked me what was wrong and I shared with her what was on my mind. She didn't interrupt or suggest anything, she just listened. When I was finished, she waited for a few moments and then shared a story with me. The story was about our son Dominick and how he is longing for his own cell phone, and although we think that now is not the right time for him to have one, we know that someday soon we will give him one. Ann was comparing Dominick's hopes for a cell phone to my prayers and whatever I have asked God for. Sounds like something Jesus would have done, doesn't it?
I have talked about God's timing before and that is pretty much what it comes down to. God knows what is best for His children. He does listen and He always provides. Praying is 50/50, which means that we have to listen for His Word just as much as we speak from our lips. Praying requires patience and awareness. And most of all, praying relies on us believing. If we didn't believe in God and His promises to us, why would He even bother listening to us in the first place?
My day ended with me thinking about all of the blessings in my life. I thought about all of the prayers that were answered or unanswered as well. As I was thinking of these, I closed my eyes and prayed to my God and thanked Him for the day and for everything that He has done in my life.
Do you believe? If not, take count of the blessings in your life.
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